Monday, September 10, 2012

My grandson..

My grandson showing that me how well he can read,, I could have cried when he got every word correct.. He is the best little thing in my day and i don't know what I would do with out him.. I love you Devon..

Sunday, September 2, 2012

When did we stop being respectful to others.?

I am a 42 year old grandmother of two.  I have a 22 year old and a college degree..  AND I sometimes talk real swell.. I have never once (other than my daughter when she was younger and just learning about grammar and speech or to a close friend just to piss them off) corrected a total strangers grammar.

I am in Walmart.. yes, I admit to shopping there.. I needed a pair of work pants. I grab the ones I think won't look too bad on and proceed to the fitting area.. The 'women' working that section is older than me, I do not like guessing peoples ages because I usually am wrong.. But I can say for certain she was older than my 42 years..  I ask, very nicely, "Can I try these on?" .. Nothing.. she just stairs at me. at first I am thinking maybe she didn't hear me but that she speaks.. AND very "motherly'  "yes, you MAY try those pants on".. as my very best friend would have said  UNFUCKINGBELIEVEABLE!!.. I have just had my grammar correct by a complete stranger. (setting aside the fact a Walmart worker).  

Because mamma raised a lady I don't throw the pants at her and tell her to fuck herself, I go in and try them on, thinking where have people learned or been taught that it is ok to correct a total strange grammar?  

In the end I don't get the pants, cause of course there Walmart pants and never fit right.. and I am still thinking that I was corrected by a total strange.. I have worked in the public for many years and have never once corrected anyone, no matter what they say, and I have been "axed" many times where the "bafroom" is.  I would never have the nerve to do this. I find it rude and very disrespectful. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Views on Tipping.. and how you are not going to like it..

To tip or not to tip.. that is never the question.. the question always seem to be how much to tip and why the hell didn't your cheap ass tip.. 

I have had arrangement's over and over again with wait staff and ex wait staff as to why tipping should always be done.. The main argument these people have is "don't you know how much a waitstaff person makes (or doesn't make)  well, of course I do.. AND my response to this.. NOT MY FAULT THEY TOOK A JOB THAT PAID CRAP..

Now, don't get me wrong.. I am as sensitive as the next person. For me to say that it is not my fault does NOT mean that I do not care.. I am saying that I shouldn't have to take the blame (by HAVING to ) making me tip.. This is what it feels like.. I am being made to tip..I am told "if you can't/won't tip, don't come back, or go to fast food".

Again. don't get me wrong.. I have tipped and I tip well. BUT I tip because I want to NOT because I feel I have to.. I have tipped the fast food lady or the lady at the toll booth.  

I have looked into the "we have to pay taxes on this or that.." AND I say  "so do I, I don't ask for tips".  The common error that a lot of wait staffers are making is that they are misleading others into think they are getting taxes on money they are not making  "I get tipped on what the restaurant made that night, they figure out what I should have gotten in tips and that is what I get taxes on".. that is a flat out lie and if that happened someone is lying to you.. and you need to go to a different tax person.   when people make cash as they do in tips, they have to report what they made in cash.. (if of course it was over a certain amount for that year, you don't have to claim the $50 you got from bob for helping him move his car).. 

For the IRS to tax wait staff on what their restaurant made on the nights they worked would take forever and would be too time consuming and does not happen. 

BUT setting aside all the tax issues, again I say,, NOT MY FAULT.. I do NOT think that customers should be punished because their server only makes 2.50 or less an hour. I have bills to pay and things to pay for and make what I make and I have to myself all by myself paying for it and can only blame myself (and my boss) for making what I make.. I can NOT demand a tip from people that walk into my job..  

AND do NOT say that servers do not demand a tip.. "if you can't tip don't come back. If you can't tip, go to fast food". that IS demanding.. 

A recent discussion with a wait person said that I shouldn't tip someone that does not have to claim their tips.. I am not sure exactly why this person didn't like that I tipped the fast food lady or the toll both lady but their main argument was that they got above average wages so they weren't or shouldn't be tipped.. I asked them should we now ask our server what they made an hour  "yes, I would like smoking and how much do you make an hour so I know how to tip you or if I should at all"?

Do I think its nice to tip waitstaff, of course, .Do I think they should be making more an hour, HELL YES.. $2.50 an hour?  someone should be ashamed of themselves for paying someone that. 

We have increasingly moved into a world of demanding and entitlement.. "You should do this for me no matter what" is what I am hearing more and more.. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A face everyone could love

My sweet and wonderful daughter.. someday she will understand how much i love her..  She could rule the world if she set her mind to it and change it all for the better, which I hope she does..

I love you.. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What is right and what is wrong..?

"Suppose you and I have had an argument.  If you have beaten me instead of my beating you, then are you necessarily right and am I wrong?  if I have beating you instead of your beating me, then am I necessarily right and are you necessarily wrong?  Is one of us right and the other wrong? Are both of us right or are both of us wrong?  If you and I don't know the answer, then other people are bound to  be even more in the dark.  whom shall we get to decide what is right?  Shall we get someone who agrees with you to decide?  But if he already agrees with you, how can he decide fairly?  Shall we get someone who agrees with me?  But if he already agrees with me, how can he decide? shall we get someone who disagrees with both of us?  But if he already disagrees with both of us, how can he decide?  Shall we get someone who agrees with both of us?  But if he already agrees with both us, how shall he decide?  Obviously, then neither you nor I nor anyone else can know the answer.  Shall we wait still another person?"

This passage is from the book I am reading for philosophy class.. It is called "voices of Wisdom" and I am in love with this class..Second to my Library class.. of Which if I could I would move right in and never leave the Library.. 

I am only on the second chapter of "voices of wisdom' and can't wait to read the whole thing and than pass it onto my daughter. 

I can't wait to have more of this class..!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Why college students should not be allowed to drink on campus.

Imagine for a moment that you walk into work carrying a long island ice tea and your boss comes up to you and ask you why you are drinking on the job?  "But I'm over 21, I'm allowed to drink".  To ask why college students shouldn't be allowed to drink on campus is the same as asking why an employee can not drink while he is at work as a college student is there to learn. You are not there to drink and party, you are there to learn and/or work. 

Students are in college to learn and live and to prepare them for the real world, but not to drink.  This is not saying they cannot drink if they are over 21, this is to say if they are on campus such as living or working or attending a function regardless of their age, they should not be drinking.  

Some might argue that drinking or not drinking should be the students right to choose and is that not about learning about the real world?  Yes and no, Yes, an above age person should be able to decide if they want to drink or not drink but no, also learning about the real world is learning that one has to follow rules, whether they like or agree with them or not and one rule should be not drinking on campus. You cannot drink at a court house, you cannot drink at a drink at a Mormon Temple (Mormon's do not believe in drinking). People do not question these rules.  How are colleges any different? They are in a sense a place of business.

The dangers of allowing drinking out way the 'freedom' of allowing an above age college student there to decide to drink or not drink on campus. 

Hingson et. al 2009 (found on college drinking sites that 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor vehicle crashed. also sites, hingson et al. 2002, 2009. in assaults of 696,000 students by another student that has been drinking, and 97,000 students that have been the victim of a alcohol related sexual assault or rape.  

Is not the safely of our college students important enough to us that we need to make this decision? (2012)